Strategic Leaders |
leaders develop a shared vision for how their services work together to deliver shared goals |
leaders use evidence from direct practice in their area so that they know and can evaluate what is and isn’t working well for children and families |
leaders are ambitious about helping, supporting, and protecting children in their area and jointly prioritise and share resources accordingly |
leaders create an inclusive culture where diversity is understood, and multi-agency and multi-disciplinary working is celebrated |
leaders hold each other and their teams to account and are held to account by their teams for the quality of the partnership working |
Senior and Middle Managers |
decisions are based on a shared practice approach and constructive debate and analysis of information from all services |
managers ensure their teams have time to engage in peer learning and knowledge exchange, peer audit, group supervision and observation |
managers ensure children receive the holistic support they need, drawing in expertise from a wide range of agencies |
managers support staff to identify and challenge discrimination, disparity, and negative stereotypes |
constructive challenge within and across agencies and disciplines is actively encouraged, independent judgements are valued and given space alongside collective decision-making to avoid groupthink |
Direct Practice |
practitioners working with the same child and family share information to get a complete picture of what life is like for the child. Collectively, they ensure the child’s voice is at the centre and the right support is provided |
practitioners learn together by drawing on the best available evidence from their individual fields and sharing their diverse perspectives during regular shared reflection on a child’s development, experiences, and outcomes |
practitioners build strong relationships across agencies and disciplines to ensure they support and protect the children with whom they work |
practitioners recognise the differences between, and are confident to respond to, circumstances where children experience adversity due to economic and social circumstances and acute family stress, and situations where children face harm due to parental abuse and neglect |
practitioners challenge themselves and each other, question each other’s assumptions, and seek to resolve differences of opinion in a restorative and respectful way |