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Independent Scrutiny Lead

The role of the Independent Scrutiny Lead is to carry out the independent scrutiny function as set out in Working Together to Safeguarding Children 2023. The Independent Scrutiny Lead will provide the critical challenge and appraisal of the multi-agency safeguarding partnership arrangements in relation to children and young people.

The role forms part of these arrangements and focuses on providing assurance in judging the effectiveness of the arrangements to protect children and support a culture and environment conducive to robust scrutiny and constructive challenge.

Meet the Independent Scrutiny Lead:

Anna B Picture

The St Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership Independent Scrutiny Lead is Anna Berry.

Anna has a wealth of experience of health services and partnership working. She is an experienced registered nurse with 21 years’ experience in the NHS, 13 of which have been in strategic leadership roles.

Anna’s key areas of expertise are:

Leading safeguarding adult and children work - including domestic abuse, PREVENT and complex safeguarding themes. Organisational representation on Safeguarding Adult and Safeguarding Children Boards, providing leadership as Chair of several LSCB subgroups, providing expert advice, supervision and training in relation to safeguarding to health and social care professionals.

Safeguarding reviews - experience as Chair of the Safeguarding Partnership review sub-groups, offering expertise and support with serious case reviews/ safeguarding practice reviews, safeguarding adults reviews, Domestic Homicide reviews and safeguarding audits.

Transformation, co-production and transition - particularly current transition into new Multi-Agency safeguarding reform arrangements.

Care provider improvement support - preparation, compliance and improvement.

Quality - ensuring and measuring effective governance processes and standards to meet statutory requirements regarding safety and quality.

Person centred integration and co-production - Anna is committed to improving quality, and engaging and consulting with people who use services and their families

Application of the Serious Incident Frameworks