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Early Help

St Helens Early Help Strategy

Multi Agency Early Help Standards and Criteria for Expected Practice

Early Help Assessment Tool (EHAT) & Supporting Documents

EHAT Videos:

'How to Videos' using different aspects of the EHM System 

Family Actions Meetings & Supporting Documents

Level 2 Support Panel

Level 2 Panel -  is held on a rolling two week basis being held fortnightly on Friday mornings 9:30 - 12:30 via Teams.

*Please contact partnershipcoordinator@sthelens.gov.uk for further information regarding panel dates.

Level 2 Panel - Terms of  Reference

St Helens Level 2 Panel has been developed to address the need for a more seamless route to services, for families assessed at Level 2 Early Help on the St Helens Descriptions of Need. The aim of the panel is for key agencies to work together to determine what service/s would be most appropriate to meet the family’s needs and coordinate the timely referral and allocation of the required resources and service/s.

Level 2 panel aims to provide partner agencies opportunities to bring open EHAT cases and Pre EHATs for a coordinated multi-agency discussion to help support planning and improve outcomes for children and young people. 

Level 2 Support Panel offers a two-way referral pathway. This is to assist the identification of early help at the earliest opportunity.

PRE EHAT ROUTE is for children who are identified as having emerging level 2 support needs but are not open on EHAT due to this offer being declined by parent/carer.

EHAT ROUTE is for children who have established level 2 support needs via an EHAT where there is lack of progression. 

*Both pathways must have a copy of the LA Information Sharing and Consent Form 

All cases that are discussed at Level 2 Panel will receive a multi-agency plan of support. The aim of panel in this regard is that no referrer/lead professional attending panel will leave empty handed, that referrers/lead professionals will feel supported from panel and have clarity on those all-important next steps. 

How to Refer to Level 2 Panel

The referral form can be found on the EHM system. (For children and young people being referred who do not have an open EHAT episode the form can be found on the child's basic demographic page under Pre-Assessment Forms. For children and young people who do have an open EHAT episode the referral form is accessible via the Forms tab on the flow chart page.) 

EHAT Training (including access to EHM System) is available from the Partnership Coordinators along with Lead Professional Training, Effective Chairing Training, Case Recording Training and EHAT 1:1 support session. For further information in relation to training please contact:
