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Allegations against Professionals and Local Authority Designated Office (LADO)

Allegations Against Professionals

The Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) has overall responsibility for the management of allegations of abuse by adults who work with children.

The LADO provides advice and guidance, liaises with the Police, Social Care, Regulatory Bodies such as Ofsted and other organisations as needed and ensures a consistent, fair and thorough process for both child and adult.

The role of the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is set out in Chapter 4 of the HM Government Guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children (December 2023).

Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) Advice & Consultation:

As practitioners it may not always be clear when a referral to the LADO service is required.

To support you with this St Helens Safeguarding Children Unit have implemented an advice and consultation service in relation to possible allegations of abuse by adults who work with children.

This is not a referral form but is implemented to allow you to obtain advice and support without the need to make a referral.

Download LADO Consultation Form

When completed, you will need to return to sthelenslado@sthelens.gov.uk.

St Helens Safeguarding Children Unit will provide the advice, complete the form, returning it back to you via the sent email address, to ensure that you have a record and are able to record the advice given by the LADO on your systems.

To make a referral to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) the referrer is to complete the LADO referral form and email securely to sthelenslado@sthelens.gov.uk and then follow up with a telephone call to the Safeguarding Children Unit on 01744 671252 within 1 day of the allegation.

Download LADO Referral Form

For further advice and guidance please refer to St Helens Multi Agency Procedures Manual - Allegations Against Staff or Volunteers

Contact Details

Telephone: 01744 671252

Email: sthelenslado@sthelens.gov.uk

If a child is at risk of harm, please call St Helens Contact Centre on 01744 676767.

If a child is in immediate danger call the emergency services on 999.