Mental Health and Parental Capacity

Approximately 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health condition each year.

Mental health is a growing public health concern. It is important that all staff working with families have an understanding of mental health and how it impacts on the lives of individuals and the people around them. In this half day course, attendees will become much more aware of the different types of mental health conditions which parents may encounter and the symptoms connected to different conditions and associated risks. The course also promotes a deeper understanding of deliberate self harm and the expression of suicidal thoughts - which can be present in all categories of mental health conditions.

Through group activity, attendees have the opportunity to explore how these symptoms and risks can impact on the children of adults who experience a  mental health condition.

Course Trainers will also provide information around services available locally to support children and families affected by mental illness.

  • Recognise the overlapping nature of mental disorders; the importance of understanding an individual’s symptoms and how these impact their daily functioning and quality of life
  • Demonstrate the interaction between a parents symptoms of mental disorder / substance misuse and the impact on their parenting capacity which gives rise to safeguarding concerns
  • Improve awareness of local services available to support parents with mental disorder and respond effectively


March 2025

Date Time Duration Location Places Available  
04/03/2025 09:30-12:30 1 Day Virtual Training 12 Book