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Multi-Agency Resolution

When to use the Multi-agency Resolution procedure... 

All professionals across the borough working with children, young people and families need to know what to do about a case where they are worries that professionals are not working well together and as a result a child is not making good enough progress or is at risk.

The multi-agency resolution procedure is also the most appropriate procedure for practitioners to escalate concerns regarding an agencies non-attendance at meetings.

Changes to Multi-Agency Resolution 

In December 2020 we modified the system to ensure that all escalations & resolutions come to a central point regardless of stage in the process.

This is so that we can gather data on those areas of discussion that take place prior to escalation were differences of opinion are solved at an earlier stage.

To help us we are asking that you lodge all levels of challenge with us now to enable us to gather data as to how effectively the system is working. Thank you for your help in this change. Please feel free to contact us with any feedback

As of 1st February 2022 we will be changing and referring to the Multi-agency Escalation Policy/procedure as the, 'Multi-Agency Resolution Policy'. This new name reflects an outcome focus and offers a more positive reference to the procedure that is part of best safeguarding practice. 

The new email for all things regarding dispute and escalation is: SCPescalations@sthelens.gov.uk

Supporting documents:

Multi-Agency Resolution Policy 

word doc Multi Agency Resolution Stage 1

word doc Multi Agency Resolution Stage 2

word doc Multi Agency Resolution Stage 3

word doc Multi Agency Resolution Stage 4

word doc Multi Agency Resolution Outcome Form


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