St. Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership

Support to Foster Carers

  • I ensure that I work within the fostering regulations and national minimum standards

  • As supervising social worker I undertake formal supervisory visits to my foster carers at least every six weeks and will also undertake an unannounced visit annually

  • In addition to carrying out supervisory visits, I also ensure that I provide regular telephone support

  • I ensure all foster carers have a foster care agreement

  • I am aware of the requirements in respect of statutory checks and will ensure these are completed and renewed as appropriate

  • During supervision I will support foster carers in accessing relevant training and if needed will undertake coaching with foster carers to ensure they develop their skills and knowledge

  • I praise my foster carers when they evidence good practice and offer constructive challenge when concerns arise

  • I ensure that all my foster carers are aware of the range of support available to St. Helens foster carers

  • My foster carers will be provided with full information on the children to be placed with them and are fully aware of their delegated decision making in respect of each child to be placed

  • When meeting with foster carers I am child-centred and will always consider the impact of my foster carer’s practice on the children placed with them

  • I notify my Manager immediately should any significant events occur with any of my foster carers

  • I ensure my foster carer’s records on ICS are updated promptly following any contact with them

  • All of my foster carers will be paid promptly for the work they undertake and receive the appropriate equipment

  • I refer to the LADO in the event of allegations and consider with my manager any immediate safeguards required to protect the child

  • I ensure that carers are promoting independent skills at an age-appropriate pace with children and young people so that when they leave care for university or independent living they have the skills and confidence to continue to achieve
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