St. Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership

Managers foot print

  • Evidence of supervision around assessment, timeliness and case progression

  • Clear recordings of reflection, direction and challenge made to the Social Worker during supervision

  • Manager’s decisions to be clearly recorded, and to be well reasoned, logical and right for the child

  • Clear written analytical insight from the Team Manger on critical and key documents for the child; such as assessments, child protection plans, CIN plans, CPR’s, court documents, placement plans, reports for panels, reports for Looked After Child reviews

  • Evidence of escalation of concerns or dispute with other professionals internal and external

  • Evidence of quality assurance activity including case audits and performance management

  • The Manager has ensured the line of decision making is clear, is captured on the chronology, and all important decisions are accompanied by a ‘Manager’s decision’

In order to demonstrate an outstanding help and protection social care provision OFSTED highlight the key requirements within the management structure to be;

  • A focus on getting basic social work practice right
  • A consistent understanding and application of thresholds – essential for making good decisions
  • Well-supported, confident and knowledgeable Managers who understand the quality and impact of practice
  • Performance management and quality assurance arrangements that support Managers in monitoring work and to take action where necessary
  • Manageable caseloads and a stable, knowledgeable and committed workforce.
  • A strong learning culture and a strong focus on practice
  • Effective working with other agencies
  • A system that focuses on providing help early to children and their families and a “preventative” approach across all the levels of need, vulnerability and risk.
  • A child-centered system with robust arrangements and processes
  • A focus on achieving sustained improvements in the lives of children and their families
Website by Taylorfitch