St. Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership

Child Protection conference

  • I will request the conference ensuring that agencies have at least 5 working days’ notice, and that the conference is convened within 15 days of the Initial Strategy Meeting agreeing the S47

  • My Children and Families Assessment Report for the ICPC summarises and analyses all information from the assessment to date and all pre-existing records relating to the child, family and any other household member

  • I have met with the family and child and explained what the conference is for and prepared them for the meeting

  • I have shared with them the Children and Family Assessment that I will present at the meeting at least 2 days prior to the meetings

  • I have advised the Conference Chair of any disagreements the family have with the assessment information

  • I have spoken to the child about their attendance at conference and contribution and shared this with the Conference Chair

  • I have advised the child that they can have an advocate and explained what this service does

  • I have highlighted the strengths, concerns and impact on the child within my assessment

  • I have identified the support to be offered to the child and family within my assessment

  • I will present my information in conference in a way that the family understand

Good Child Protection Conferences will demonstrate parental involvement and child involvement. The strengths, risks and impact on the child will be discussed, the child’s experiences on a daily basis will be known and the decisions made will be clearly evidenced through a concise rationale.  The outcomes to be achieved will be clear and the impact to be achieved specified.  Challenge will be evident and what needs to happen to remove the plan specified.

Website by Taylorfitch