St. Helens Safeguarding Children Partnership

Child in Need meetings (CIN)

  • I have checked that the family consent to support under the S17 process

  • I have spoken to the family and explained what the meeting is for

  • I have given them a copy of the assessment and checked that they understand it

  • I have made efforts to involve the child and if they want to attend I have arranged the meeting for before or after the school day

  • I have checked with the family the people who are invited and to make sure that no other agency is involved that has been missed

  • I have explained how the meeting is run and asked them to think about what type of support they would want

  • I have ensured those present have introduced themselves at the start of the meeting

  • I have contributed to the development of a plan that is SMART

  • I have specified what outcome we want to see and I have been clear about what the impact on the child is

  • I have challenged where agencies do not effectively contribute to the plan

  • I have challenged professionals when parents/carers are given lots of actions to complete

  • I have specified how frequently I will visit which will be no less than monthly and have discussed my schedule of visits with my Manager.  I have confirmed how frequently partners will visit

  • I hold review meetings monthly

  • I will communicate with agencies and the family between reviews to ensure that actions and support is progressing and parents/carers and children are able and supported to engage in services to reduce risks to children

  • I will circulate the notes from the CIN meeting within 10 days but will circulate the Plan within 5 days

Good practice within Child In Need involves a plan that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. Partners communicate and work well with each and the family to meet the needs of the child.  Reviews consider progress to the actions, amend where required and assess risk and strengths. 

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